Sunday, September 13, 2015

Bussana Vecchia

Bussana Vecchia is a village formed in the 1450's and abandoned in the 1880s after an earthquake. It was a ghost town for many years until in the 1960's a loose organization of artists (read, hippies) decided to move there en masse. While several governmental eviction notices have been issued over the years, apparently the electric and gas agents are willing to provide, and so the artists remain -- the hippies are very old now.

There are a number of restaurants, and many vacation rental properties in the town.

I strolled the steep, winding streets, popping into shops and galleries. In one place I became very uncomfortable when a German-husband-Italian-wife artist-couple stood waaayy toooo close as they explained their art -- how they didn't hear my Personal-Space-Breach alarm blasting is beyond my understanding -- and did I want to look at their previous gallery which they now rent out as an apartment... It's very nice.

Ummmmm, grazie no. I got out of there quickly.

On one tight, meandering corsa a goose was standing in the curve. A family with kids came along and everyone was honking to make the goose speak. Everyone's phones were out, snap snap snapping photos, Then the goose turned on his heel and headed off in another direction.

While looking at menus I struck up a conversation with an Italian guy who invited me to a Salsa Music Festival in Diano Marina that night. I said 'maybe I'll see you there', but it I knew it was in the opposite direction of my B&B.

By that time the restaurants were closed (sigh,you were right, Lori!) so I headed back to the car.

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